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The E-mail Road Less Traveled …

Daniel Levis
Daniel Levis

Dear Web Business-Builder,

Great things can happen when you build an e-mail list and learn how to sell to that list.

But it’s not as easy as the online marketing gurus would have you believe.

It takes a lot of effort to build a list in the first place. And a lot of effort to keep people reading and responsive.

See here’s the problem …

Chances are your subscribers did not subscribe to your list to be sold to. They subscribed in order to get useful information they can use to better their lives.

You, however, are not a registered charity.

You did not build an e-mail list for the sole purpose of giving away free information, did you?

You need a return on your investment. And that means you’ve got to sell stuff to the people who joined your list. Egads!

So how do you resolve this gut wrenching conflict?

If you send e-mails filled with reasons why people should buy a product … in an attempt to get them to click through to your (or an affiliate’s) order pages or sales pages, they’re going to unsubscribe in droves. Or they’ll just tune out, and your click through rates will shrivel.

And if all you do is send out free tips or an e-zine with various “columns” and incidental resource links that people can click on to buy stuff, you won’t make many sales.

One approach is to mix and match …

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