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What Drives Us? Bob Poole Asked Daniel Pink

Bob Poole
Bob Poole (↑) lives his life following a path with heart. He writes about Sales, Marketing, Creativity and Leadership.

I just noticed my blogging colleague Bob Poole put the audio recording (mp3) of his interview with best-selling author Daniel Pink online.

Interview With Dan Pink (↑).”

Bob has a sales background and, therefore, they also touch on the subject of motivating sales people quite a bit.

Check it out. The interview is about 16 minutes long. A transcript (↑) is already available on Bob's blog.


By the way: I already put Dan's book on my Amazon wishlist.

Drive: The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us (↑).”

Learning about human psychology and applying this knowledge has been always helpful in sales and marketing. Remember the old saying?
“People buy what they WANT not what they NEED.”

John W. Furst

Average Marketers Wanted!

Seth Godin
Seth Godin

Oh yeah,

Seth Godin (↑) finally started tweeting or twittering as some call it.

You do not believe me, then check this out.

“The reason they want you to fit in…
is that once you do, then they can ignore you.”

83 characters
by Seth Godin on 2009-11-18 (↑)

Certainly a statement that leaves room for interpretation.

So here is mine.

Average companies are looking for average people. They do not want to deal with heretics, unicorns or anyone who could surprise them.

Surprise is a potential threat.
Boring is good!

What is tribal marketing anyway?

Many large organization try to mold everything and everyone. It seems that small business organizations can change more quickly, and they have to.

John W. Furst

P.S.: Now we have to teach Mr. Godin the twitter interface since this short piece of text was still posted on his blog.

Do You Want Jack Nicholson As Customer? [Video]

Did you ever run out of patience when dealing with an employee in a store?

+ I certainly did.
+ My wife did.
+ Even my mother who is a more shy person did…
+ And I bet you did too.

When I saw the following video I could relate to it right away. The list of incidents where companies missed out on an opportunity which I could write up is long.

Did you notice I do not automatically associate the employee for the failure. It's the boss' fault.

+ Product / Service is not a market match
+ Bad policies and procedures
+ Insufficient training for the employees
+ Hired the wrong person for that job

This video brings a bad customer to waitress (in that case) match on display.

Bad Customer Experience

Retweet @johnfurst

So what do you think?

+ Could you handle Jack Nicholson as customer?
+ Is your staff prepared?
+ Any other comments…?

Leave your comment, now.

John W. Furst

P.S.: Anybody knows the name of that movie?

Business Strategy Lesson Learned - Now Back To Normal

Yesterday I reported about local DNS problems happening everywhere in the world lately. I am talking about the underlying service that tells your web browser where the server for a webpage is located.

I did not even notice until my blog suddenly disappeared from the Internet. Luckily this was just from my perspective. 99.2% of my regular visitors did not notice any problem accessing my blog.

And as of today, Telefonica, the large ISP operating in Europe and South America, servicing millions of customers with usually quality low- and high-speed internet access has fixed the problem.

This is truly a misleading statement, because most likely the problem has fixed itself. What I mean is that the Domain Name System guarantees that all changes are replicated throughout the globe within a maximum of 48 hours.

I know we have been spoiled with the way .com top level domains for example are set up nowadays, which is, you register a new .com domain and it will be accessible in huge portions of the globe within minutes or a few hours.

However, if a network administrator of an internet access service provider (ISP) messes up the DNS configuration by accident it can take up to 48 hours till the system is fully operational again. That's inherent with the IT/network architecture in use. Nothing or very little one can do to speed things up.

Again, my blog can be reached “normally” again without using any DNS magic tricks, which I wrote about yesterday.

Business Strategy Lesson - Repeated

I used this as an opportunity to write the article, How Safe Is Your Web Business?, stating that once your business is rolling and bringing in money, you should spend some effort to build redundancy and diversify your income streams, remove bottlenecks, single points of failure, and so forth, …

I might add to this article from yesterday:
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How Safe Is Your Web Business?

Is your Web income at risk?

Does this sound like a dumb question to you?

Only because you have the “Hacker Safe Logo” legitimately on your Web site doesn’t mean your web-based business is 100% safe.

Your site doesn’t need to be attacked by criminals there are many different possibilities for having your web based income stream disrupted. Now I remember that I wrote about the subject of protecting your virtual assets back in December 2007, too.

Think about those scenarios:
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