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Your Questions

On Friday I have asked my readers some questions and offered nothing more but my personal, humble answers. Comments were moderated to ensure privacy. The deadline has passed.

Thanks to all of you, who took action and left a comment.

I received 7 comments, which included 4 questions for me to answer. 2 gentlemen expressed their preference in subject, and suggested a direction where I shall “go” with this Blog. One of those gentlemen is actually an “old friend”, who lives in Florida nowadays.
“Nice to hear from you again, Christopher.”

1 comment was spam; a link to an online lingerie store.

The average number of comments per post during the last month was 2.5. Therefore I am quite satisfied with the outcome.

I will decide later, how to answer the questions. At least 1 or 2 might deserve a separate post.

John W. Furst

What's In It For Me? - Your Question - My Answer

Ask your clients It's in the human psychology that everybody is a bit selfish. Marketing and sales experts rephrase it as a question.
“What's in it for me?”

Everybody is constantly asking this question in all sorts of situations.
  • in family situations
  • in personal relationship
  • at works
  • in business
  • when shopping

We tend to act only, if we perceive that there is enough value in it for us.

However, it turns out that there are people, who are more giving than others and vice versa. It is interesting to note that success with an Internet business is highly correlated with the giving mentality of the entrepreneur. I actually don't have any data at hand to backup this claim right now. But it's the essence of the teachings from successful Internet marketers that I follow.

Okay, what's in it for you today?

I want to serve you — my readers and email subscribers — better. I want to give you
Articles and infos that better suit your needs
and I will answer the best questions here on the Blog.

That's in it for you. Interested?

Here is what I need you to do. Leave a comment here on the Blog answering my 2 questions. The 3rd question is optional, but I appreciate any answer on that, too.

1. Pick 3 topics or subjects that you would want me to cover on this Blog on a consistent basis.

2. What is the single most important question you have about your most important topic (from question 1)

3. Optional: Just 1 or 2 sentences, please. What's your situation, why are you reading this Blog or my Newsletter? Are running or starting out with an Internet business? Are you a manager in a corporation?

You have time until

Tuesday, December 18, 2007, 3 pm PST (Pacific)
which is 23:00 UTC (London)

The comments will be moderated, your privacy is assured and you cannot get distracted by the questions of others. I will answer or will have your questions answered next week.

Thanks for your participation and, please, prove that you — my readers — are action takers.

John W. Furst

Enjoy the weekend

Key Success Factor: Listen To Your Customers

Ask Your Customers

Two days ago I wrote about the Key Success Factor Number 1: Speed Of Implementation. Today I give you another “Gold Nugget”. Here it is:

“Listen to your individual customers and even to prospects”

Many business owners fail to do so properly. This could be one of your competitive advantages.
  • Do you believe to know what your customers and prospects want?
    Few admit that they don't know. But if you believe to know, you simply don't know.

  • Do you know, who your customers are?
This article has been featured on
More Than We Know (↑)
in the Carnival Of Small Business Issues.

This morning I talked to Michael, who runs an online shop as part of his business, and he told me,
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