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Psychology For Marketers 2 - About Estimating Value

Marketing revolves around the concept of “perceived value”. People are more likely to purchase your products and services, when the value they assign to your offer outweighs the price tag. (We all know that, right?)

However, it seems that men and women are very bad in estimating value. So let's further dive into psychology and pair it with math. Don't worry!

Dan Gilbert explains it using simple examples. He presents research and data from his exploration of happiness — sharing some surprising tests and experiments that you can also try on yourself. Watch through to the end for a sparkling Q&A with some familiar TED faces.

This is part two in my mini-series about psychology for marketers.

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Psychology For Marketers 1 - About Happiness

“Marketing Changes Minds.” First time that I heard that phrase was from Alex Mandossian, I presume. Actually there is a second part to it.
  • Marketing Changes Minds And
  • Promotion Changes Behavior.

Could not be a bad idea to learn more about the human mind and a bit psychology. What do you think?

I have found some treasures in three TED Talks that I will present to you in a mini-series. Here is part 1 (of 3).

Dan Gilbert: Why are we happy? Why aren't we happy?

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