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This is an entry written in plain text without an editor.

Aliquam dui elit, cursus nec egestas eget, blandit lacinia purus. Nullam eu neque quis est imperdiet convallis. Cras volutpat, velit vitae luctus mattis, mauris ipsum interdum orci, vel pulvinar risus metus sed magna. Pellentesque rutrum cursus commodo. Nulla placerat adipiscing nulla, nec aliquet magna tincidunt id. Quisque viverra porttitor nulla quis imperdiet. Donec et nisi in neque volutpat tincidunt id eu justo. Nam feugiat sem viverra felis ultrices ac commodo massa malesuada. Sed id risus nulla, ut condimentum diam. Phasellus in semper velit. Ut egestas euismod dui et molestie.

Aliquam erat volutpat. Pellentesque sed orci non odio mattis vestibulum. Sed ornare aliquet lorem, ac pharetra tortor sodales in. Etiam et sem a lectus hendrerit sagittis non at arcu. Vestibulum mollis elementum felis sit amet sollicitudin. Cras quam sapien, dignissim ut accumsan et, tristique sed sapien. Praesent ut tortor vitae ante viverra volutpat ut ac sapien. Duis vitae arcu sit amet nulla pretium mollis quis vehicula ligula. Cras eget diam vitae metus condimentum dictum fermentum nec mi. Nullam a imperdiet ligula. Integer in libero arcu, eget consectetur eros. Quisque volutpat porta risus ornare hendrerit. Sed tincidunt sapien sed felis hendrerit in bibendum neque pharetra. Ut scelerisque odio at dui volutpat eu porttitor quam aliquet.

Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Aenean eu neque malesuada leo convallis consectetur a ornare ipsum. Nulla rutrum aliquam risus, vel pulvinar libero vulputate eu. Etiam interdum est eu augue feugiat viverra. Mauris velit sapien, dictum eu interdum ac, volutpat nec libero. Mauris sollicitudin justo nec augue pellentesque luctus. In dui lorem, viverra tristique posuere vel, mattis eu tellus. Suspendisse ipsum elit, rhoncus a ultrices ut, egestas a est. Sed imperdiet ultricies tellus ullamcorper vulputate. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Sed pellentesque sodales mi, ut auctor dui pulvinar eget. Aenean dignissim lectus eget metus posuere ut luctus turpis vestibulum. Suspendisse potenti.

Ut quis est vitae urna pharetra venenatis a non velit. Pellentesque eget orci lectus, id pharetra dui. Aliquam massa leo, euismod sed vulputate at, gravida nec nisi. Nulla et tellus tellus, in molestie mi. Integer congue fringilla tellus venenatis sodales. Integer consequat porta eleifend. Nunc vel varius elit. Nam sit amet risus dui, ut pulvinar ipsum. Nulla sit amet ipsum metus.


P.S.: No idea if this works or not.

Email Marketing Tips - Edition 28

Welcome to the 28th edition of email marketing tips on February, 9th, 2013.

After having put to sleep for more than two years, it’s time to wake up the carnival, again. I also have done some housekeeping:
All obsolete tips, broken links, etc. in the legacy editions 1 through 27 have been taken care of and are deleted now. Only evergreen, good tips from reputable sources have survived this procedure.

Interestingly it was mostly copywriters’ tips which had to be removed. Most of them just have disappeared from the web or their sites have got in too bad a shape that I don’t want to link to them anymore.

The good news is that we had some well known experts contributing here in the past.

You’ll find expert advise in those past editions from authorities like:

Since I started this carnival in 2008 the Web and the relevance of have changed. However, let’s see how it goes in 2013.

Here are the tips of the day.

tools and strategy

The next two tips are quite interesting because they are quite opposite to each other. At first Ioan shows us how to use your blog to send out emails for free. Then Mike suggests to re-purpose your ezine content on your blog.

Ioan Draniciar presents How to Use Your Blog to Create a Free Viral List Building System (↑) posted at Lazy Cash Making Formula (↑), saying, “If you follow my blog closely, you’ll notice a pattern. I post an article on my blog every time I learn something of real value from internet marketers I respect and follow. We all have to learn from someone and it should be from somebody who’s an authority in our niche. Brad Gosse is an awesome internet marketer, a straight shooter, honest and someone I can really trust.

I picked up this little gold nugget of information from Brad and added a little twist of my own to it in order to make it more effective. This method can help you tremendously when it comes to getting repeat visitors to your site.”

John’s comment: Indeed, you can put an email signup form from Feedburner on your site. However, you are very limited with this approach. But, hey, it’ free and it might get you started.

(On the other hand the author uses email marketing services from on his site. I wonder why?

Mike Munter presents Move Your Newsletter Content To Your Blog And Reach A Wider Audience (↑) posted at Mike Munter, Marketing Consultant (↑), saying, “Use this tip to get more web traffic and increase sales.”

John’s comment: Personally I am not a fan of pretty, content rich ezines but there are certainly plenty of use cases for them. Saying that, I find it a good idea to put those ezines online for public viewing and indexing by search engines. Thanks also for the descriptive screen shots, Mike.

Nishadha presents Market Your Startup with Emails: 6 Effective Ways with Examples (↑) posted at Creately Blog | Diagramming Articles and How to Draw Diagram Tips (↑), saying, “How a start-up can use email marketing.”

John’s comment: Good examples and guidelines for a brand building type of newsletter. Also with pretty screen shots. Nishada lists and explains six important features of such a newsletter. Miss one and you diminish your ROI.

editor’s pick

Mark Brownlow, The permission gamble: can you send more email safely? (↑) posted at No man is an iland (↑), saying, “”

John’s comment: The article I have picked here is from 2010 but still relevant. After a short discussion Mark calls out 6 way you could send more emails to your subscribers without too much risk of annoying them.

Zach Bulygo, How to Keep Email Marketing Manageable (↑) posted at KISSmetrics - Tips, Tricks and Resources for Analytics, Marketing and Testing (↑), saying, “It could be argued that email marketing is a better and more effective form of marketing. Unlike TV, print, and internet ads, email marketing is opt-in, so people are willing and want to read your email messages. Unfortunately, many companies get overwhelmed and abandon their email marketing efforts. How can you set up an email marketing initiative that is relatively easy to undertake and maintain? Well, cover the basics first.

John’s comment: Zach provides three ways for getting the creative juices flowing. And he discusses them in context of recent real world examples and shows why they work.

That concludes this edition of email marketing tips. Past posts and future hosts can be found on my email marketing tips blog carnival home page.

John W. Furst

P.S.: If you like this edition, check out the previous email marketing tips - edition 27, too.

Contact me to host an edition of this carnival on your Internet marketing related blog.
  • Get your blog more exposure!
  • It’s easier than you might think.
Also submit your articles to this carnival.

Thanks in advance for your contribution.

Technorati tags: email marketing tips, blog carnival

Email Marketing Tips - My New Blog Carnival

Email marketing is more important than ever. It's a very cost effective means to stay connected with your customers and prospects. And you do not only want to stay connected, you want to build a relationship with your members.

While social media platforms like twitter and facebook allow you to be present as a business, as a marketer, they very often change the rules, … You don't want to be at their mercy. Build your email list. Start now and continue to grow it.

Email Marketing Tips - Blog Carnival

→ Submit your email marketing related blog post to the next edition in March 2013.

Update on Feb. 8, 2013: All old editions 1 through 27 have been cleaned up. Outdated tips and broken links have been removed.

The Archive
  • Email Marketing Tips - Edition 28, Feb 9, 2013
    Includes: (*) Use Your Blog to Power Your Email, (*) Power Your Blog from Your Ezine, (*) Email Marketing for Startups, (*) The Permission Gamble, (*) Keep Email Marketing Simple

  • Email Marketing Tips - Edition 27, Oct 27, 2010
    Includes: (*) Behavioural Targeting, (*) Sharing via Email vs. Social Media, (*) Tips to Improve Your ROI, and more …

  • Email Marketing Tips - Edition 26, Oct 14, 2010
    Includes: (*) False idols: 4 beliefs that can hurt your email marketing, (*) Keyword Research for Email Marketing, (*) 12 Email Marketing Tips For Small Business, (*) 7 Books About Email Marketing, and more …

  • Email Marketing Tips - Edition 25, Sep 30, 2010
    Includes: (*) Email Deliverability; (*) Email Marketing Jargon Explained; (*) Top 3 Sales Copy Mistakes; (*) 8-step E-mail marketing refresher, and more …

  • Email Marketing Tips - Edition 24, Jul 24, 2010
    Includes: (*) Getting to Know E-Mail Recipients; (*) Marketing Sherpa’s 2009 Email Marketing Benchmark Guide; (*) Aweber Tutorial; and more …
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Building And Running A Content Marketing System

Dear business builders,

You might have heard it many times before, “Content Is King!

This little phrase gets everyone excited who is especially afraid of paid advertising.

Countless blogs and worthless article directories have been started with the hope to attract traffic and turn it into money without spending a dime.

But this is not about it.

Content Marketing is serious business!

Toby Murdock of SEOmoz wrote a detailed article about “How to Build and Operate a Content Marketing Machine.”

He says, “The question is not ‘why?’ your organization should start with content marketing — that should have been answered already — it is ‘How?’”

Check it out, take notes, and most importantly define action items and set a due date for each.

To Your Success

John W. Furst

SOPA Is Off The Table For Now

Censorship is on hold
“SOPA is on hold”

When I heard the news that SOPA in its current form has been put on ice, I was relieved. I had outlined the reasons why I am opposing SOPA (↑) a couple of days ago on this blog.

Another battle in this ongoing war has been won, but the war is not over yet. Will there ever be an end to the debate?

Like look at this article in the Forbes magazine about what happened 30 years before SOPA, the Motion Picture Association of America (MPAA) feared the VCR (↑) (video cassette recorder).

The new target is the Internet

There will always be a struggle between those who wish to defend the status quo and those who embrace change.
Don’t be afraid of “the New,” embrace it and look for opportunities.
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SOPA And Protect IP: Free Internet At Risk

Welcome in 2012!

My first post this year will be a short one but nevertheless a very important one.

The Free Internet in the USA is at risk!

It is challenged by two proposed laws which basically will allow or even require censorship.

Stop Internet Censorship

While the intent of the legislation is noble, “Stop online piracy and copyright theft!” The means the law provides will do more harm than good. And not only in the USA. There will be some global collateral effects as well.

At least this is my personal take.

Some say, “This will break the Internet as we know it!”

Here is what I wrote in a private forum earlier today.

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