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Email Deliverability Tips

Ensuring requested opt-in email is delivered to subscriber inboxes is an increasingly difficult battle in the age of spam filtering. Open and click thru response rates can be dramatically affected by as much as 20-30% due to incorrect spam filter classification.


Confirming that the people who ask for your information have actually requested to be on your list is the number one step in the battle for deliverability. You should be using a process called confirmed opt-in or verified opt-in to send a unique link to the attempted subscriber when they request information. Before adding the person to your list they must click that unique link verifying that they are indeed the same person that owns the email address and requested to subscribe.

Subscriber Addresses

When requesting website visitors to opt-in ask for their “real” or “primary” email address instead of a free email address like Yahoo or Hotmail. Free emails tend to be throw away accounts and typically have a shorter lifetime than a primary ISP address.

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Not Becoming A Starving Freelancer

What makes you money in your job, doesn't necessarily make you money, when freelancing. Many freelancers have to learn that the hard way.
  • Are you exceptional good in your job?
  • Do you believe that your boss is not paying you enough?
  • Are you tired of working for someone else?
Then you are probably thinking about working as freelancer. Beware that almost everything will change once you have “fired your boss”.
  • Who will give you the paycheck?
  • Who will tell you what to do?
  • Who will make you to work harder?
Knowing the correct answer to those questions is one key ingredient to your success as freelancer. The freedom, which comes from having no boss, is dangerous to those with no plan and little or no discipline.

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Use Safe Identifiers In Your Web Templates

Stop guessing about, what would be a valid name for a new CSS class, a JavaScript variable, a PERL function or any other identifier!

Use the common shared set of rules of languages. It cannot be any easier. Print out that page and you have a valid reference for the most important languages on the Web.

Web masters, Web designers, and programmers do not have an easy job, when it comes to update templates, files, and programs for a Web site. In most cases they will have to build on "code" that has been written by somebody else. Furthermore there are many different languages that have rules of their own.
  • CSS
  • JavaScript, DOM
Sometimes the differences are minor, but the interpreter, browser, or validation tool might complain, if the syntax or content is not correct 100%.

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Small Talk About Business - Comments Closed

Blogs, also known as Weblogs are a great innovation. They allow it to share opinions, but unlike most forums the focus is set on quality posts/articles. Whereas in forums the communication character — almost chat like, sometimes — is in the foreground.

Nowadays you find more and more blogs that have their comments closed. That hurts the communication, doesn't it. Authors of posts ask their reader about their opinion and at the same time they clash them a “Comments closed, but you can leave a trackback” right into their faces. In the case you do not know what a trackback is, I will explain it to you in a minute.

Let us start with a comment first. → Continue reading:

Meat and Potatoes for Your Affiliate Diet

Think of banner ads as the spice in your affiliate diet. Sprinkle them around, but for a heartier helping of sales, you'll need something more solid! Learn to give your visitors longer, more descriptive pre-sales text. Revamp your affiliate advertising using these simple steps:

  • Pull the Reader in
  • Introduce the Product
  • Explain the Product's Significance
  • Tell the Reader to Make a Purchase

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Tools to Find Out How People Search

Knowing what people are looking for and how they are looking for it, gives you a competitive advantage. You can improve your strategy and become more visible to your prospects. I will show you a great tool that will get you better and faster results.

Let us talk about organic search.

I want you to do a little experiment for yourself, but you will need an “assistant”. This might be a co-worker, a spouse, a friend. Someone who knows how to surf and search on the Web.

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