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Tribes - A Review by John W. Furst

Tribes by Seth Godin
John with Tribes - The Book
It is Saturday, October 25th, 2008. A special day. Today I have started and finished reading Tribes - We Need You To Lead Us written by Seth Godin. That's why it is a special day.

The book is dense

While reading, you feel the huge amount of observation, deep thought, and the tedious work that Seth Godin condensed into this little, tiny book.

The book might be tiny in format, but like the matter of a neutron star, it's heavy. Really heavy stuff that weighs a lot more than you probably can imagine.

No, no, wait!

I don't want to scare you away. It's fun to read this book, and it's a quick read, too. What Seth wrote sticks.

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Marketing Remarkable Products - The Internet Changed A Lot Says Seth Godin

I am not sure, if I promised that I will continue to write about Seth Godin, but I do it anyway. Yesterday I have revealed a podcast about Seth's latest book Tribes. Today I will feature a TED talk related to his book “Purple Cow”.

The talk is about 18 minutes long and quite entertaining as well as educating. Check it out.

Seth Godin speaking at TED in February 2003.
A timeless treasure.

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Busy, Busy, Busy, Bankrupt - Dead

Rich Schefren - Internet Business Advice
©2008 by John W. Furst for E-biz Booster Blog

Get Rich Schefren's new report “The Entrepreneurial Emergency - Uncertainty Syndrome”.

This eye opening report reveals the easiest and most important way to give our business the extra, quickest, most potent boost possible.

Are you working more and more for less? Are you scarifying your personal life for your business?

What is holding your back? → Continue reading:

Bad Future For Email?

Who is Jim Kukral?

Jim Krukal on Stage [Photo] Jim Kukral is a web marketer, speaker, long-time award-winning blogger, customer evangelist, writer, online monetization expert, and well, a bunch of other things. Yeah, he’s done a bit of everything.

For years Jim has been working on the bleeding edge of web marketing and business. From owning his own web firms to consulting for some of the world’s largest companies, Jim Kukral has experienced just about everything web related you can think of. That’s why Jim has become one of the Industry’s most sought after consultants and public speakers.

Jim focuses on helping businesses… (more about Jim Kukral)
I have a lot RSS feeds in my Google Reader, but I keep it manageable by cleaning out on a regular basis. One feed that I added rather recently is Jim Kukral's Blog. And I am happy that he finally made it into my reader.

Jim publishes daily videos called “The Daily Flip”. His latest one caught my attention. It's called,
No, Email Isn't Dead… Yet

Jim plays along with me in my age category, but he suddenly reminds me and everybody else who watches the flip…
  • Your future market might live on another cloud already.

Did you ever observe how people in different age groups communicate?

You should! Those communication habits are heavily influenced by social groups. In most cases nobody could anticipated those developments. E.g.
  • SMS (the short messaging service between mobile phones) were a technical gimmick.
  • Twitter
  • Messaging on Facebook, MySpace,…

The point is, a marketer needs to observe social phenomenons and be aware of changes. The old saying remains to be true:
“You are not your market!”

If you want to reach out to your market, you need to behave like one of them, and eventually become one of them.

Now check put Jim's video flip: No, Email Isn't Dead… Yet

John W. Furst

P.S.: Thanks Jim for your insight and the reminder.

Video Series: How to Write Killer Email Promos That Get Results!

Have you ever been faced with the task of having to write an email promotion to your list, and then realized that you didn't know what to say or how to say it?

Michael Rasmussen's new video course “Email Promos Exposed” promises to solve that problem for you by walking you through the actual process of creating killer email promos step-by-step.

If you're in a hurry, just go ahead visit this URL to get instant free access to these videos:

Free Video Series: Email Promos Exposed!

I decided to see if Michael's videos live up to their promise by trying them out myself. Here's what I found:

Overall Quality

The first thing I noticed when I opened up the first video was the stunning production quality. He used Camtasia Studio for the production, which is now the industry standard for creating high-quality screen capture video products. The audio is near studio quality, and the graphics are very professional. These videos were made by someone who KNOWS what he's doing. Well done!

I also liked how Michael divided the videos up by section, and then again by sub-section. For example, one video is all about the subject line, and then there are different parts of that video that each cover a certain area of crafting a killer subject line.

Now let's move onto…


Here's a brief summary of each video. Obviously it's impossible to list every single thing here, but I want you to get a feel for what each one covered, and how well it covered it.

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Are You In A Tribe, Yet?

Seth Godin invites you to join a members-only tribe. A tribe for marketers, for leaders, for those focused on building communities or creating products or spreading ideas.


[Photo: Seth Godin]
Seth Godin
But who is Seth Godin anyway?
  • WRITER of bestselling books about marketing.
  • SPEAKER with a unique style and great reputation.
  • ENTREPRENEUR with a track record.


Seth will create this online community to prove once more he is someone who walks his talk and to do things little bit different, again. His new book which is scheduled for October 2008 describes the marketing power of tribes…

You guessed right, the online community will be part of the prove of the concept.

To find out:
  • What's involved and
  • What is in it for you.

Simply go to Seth's Blog post: “Are You In A Tribe?

John W. Furst

P.S.: In order to get into the community you need to be committed enough tp pre-order Seth's new book (e.g. at for ~14.00 US$). Admittance until no later then August 10th or earlier.