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Is Life Hitting You With A Brick?

Nobody can win all the time, every time! Facing obstacles is the norm when walking down the road of life

I just discovered this motivational, timeless video with Steve Jobs (CEO of Apple and Pixar Animation) telling 3 stories of his life.

Take the 15 minutes that it takes to watch this video, sit back, relax, and enjoy.

“Don't live other people's life…
Have the courage to follow your heart ...
Stay hungry, stay foolish!”

John W. Furst

Fix Bad Habits Become More Productive

A couple of days ago I have written, “Your Business Needs To Grow Continuously”. Today I want to combine that important fact with a very easy to do management or personal development practice, that helps you to achieve your goal, tune out distraction as you learn to focus on what's really important.

You will see it's not about time management or life management as some call it. You still have to come up with a way to use your time efficiently. Of course you can refer back to my original series of articles about Productivity and Time Management, “Touch It - Do It - Get More Done”. I wrote a total of 4 articles on that subject and they are available combined into a single PDF report in the download area for my newsletter subscribers. Actually the PDF contains some extra content that is not released on my Blog.

Might be the right time to sign up to my newsletter, right now. (To my existing subscribers: I'll send you the download info as soon as I have finished this post.) Sorry for the little detour.

Let's get back to productivity issues. The little, but nonetheless important advice I'll give you fits almost everybody.
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Discover An Infection That Can Make You Happier

Aaron Potts
Aaron Potts
It is the norm to think a virus or an infection is something very bad. This is true for most cases, but my ‘blogger-friend’ Aaron Potts writes on his Blog today, that you actually should seek to get infected by a very special kind of virus.

I was drawn into his article right away and thought that you could benefit from that great post, too.

Here it is.
In case you get an “500 Internal Server Error”, just hit the reload/refresh button. It's a kinky technical issue that should not stop you from accessing Aaron's valuable content.

Enjoy reading.

John W. Furst

Tit For Tat Carnival February 2008 - Part 1

Blog Carnival
Thanks For The Carnival
I have introduced my Fake Tit For Tat Blog Carnival in January as a means of saying “Thank You” to those editors that have used my posts. I thought it's time to do this right now. Therefore, I split February in 2 parts and will list the rest of the carnivals at the end of this month.

The main benefits of being present in the Carnival-O-Sphere is that you get more exposure easily. I just made up that term Carnival-O-Sphere. It doesn't take long to submit your current post to (↑). The Pro-Bloggers actually outsource that part and have their assistants do that rather simple task.

1. You get new readers.

Although this heavily depends on the quality and popularity of the Carnival. There are basically 2 types of carnivals in my opinion: → Continue reading:

Can One Share Overmuch?

Are you a sharing person? Do you sometimes talk too much and someone else catches it and they sell it as theirs? This can happen in business and very much in corporate life. Oh boy, some people would sell their wife, kids, and mother-in-law to get a 3 second spotlight on them in order to impress their boss.

But how much of your ideas should you share with others? I think this can be applied to both the business world and also if you are in a corporate structure. Because, … bottom line is:
“It's all about selling!
Selling products or selling yourself!
(in the corporate world)”

You might be aware of two pieces of advice.
  • Share your best ideas with your prospects and customers... for free.
    --Eben Pagan

  • Keep your best ideas secret.
    --John W. Furst

Sounds like a contradiction!
Not really, all you need to do is to expand the second quote.
  • Keep your best ideas secret… as long as you cannot use them for selling your products, service, talent, whatever.
    --John W. Furst

Wait till you are ready to monetize your ideas and make them your brand. You also can share your ideas in a circle with colleagues, friends, like-minded business people, who you know of won't do you any harm. Because the interaction with like minded, success oriented people (not suckers, and a…) will increase your creativity and productivity.

That's it for today.
I though a short, concise Blog post is better than no Blog post. Right? I hope you find this advice useful. Apropos usefulness! There is a Tip Jar on this Blog.

:-) Just kidding! No, it's actually there.

Some stranger rang my door bell this morning. I opened and he told me the sad story of his family. I felt it's a true story, I could practice (my poor) Spanish, … so I gave him some cash. Made me feel better, and you know what? I forgot that someone actually made me angry this morning.

You should do that too from time to time. (Here's the Tip Jar). Again, just kidding.

I am kind of in a funny mode today, but actually I have to catch a plane to London later today. Little trip to visit my wife, who happens to be there right now. I can't wait to get her back here full-time.

Have a nice day and an even better weekend.


Performance Boost Under Pressure

Face Yourself!
It seems that people respect their boss and they do whatever they demand — more or less — in exchange for their salary. That's how this boss-employee relationship works. What can you learn from this for your own business?

Even if you have changed the sides in the meantime and become your own boss, either as owner of your company or manager of a department, you will remember the days, when you worked late or on weekends to meet the deadlines given to you by your superiors. All of a sudden everything became less important: your plans for Friday night, the date with your new acquaintance, the movie premier, etc.

You absolutely needed to finish your assignment, because your boss would not accept any excuse and even could fire you. Even, if your assignment appears to be ridiculous to you.
Your boss is your boss.

I will cut a long story short (… and save your time).

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